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Lusty Poem We Love: So Alive

    Love and lust are more than just emotions and chemicals that rush through our bodies every time our lover walks into the room – they also serve as a Muse for artists. GetLusty for Couples is more than just relationship advice and sex positions. Our libidos also have a creative side. Poet and spoken word artist, Dylan Barmmer, helps us explore that side with some of his sexy poetry.

    * * *

    So Alive

    Lips lock and cock rocks
    under undulating
    covers where the
    lovers lay and
    come to play
    not every day
    but enough to

    Come and go
    ebb and flow
    pulse and pull

    Hair and heart
    strings tie her up
    rub her down do

    Bad things and
    good things yes
    so good things she

    Writhes and moans
    thrashes and burns
    rides slides glides turns

    Into an Ecstatic State and
    drags him along for the ride

    It's a Hell of a Wild Ride when
    you feel fuck and love so alive

    Dylan Barmmer, Word Is Born

    Dylan Barmmer is the Founder/Raconteur of Word Is Born, a creative copywriting consortium based in beautiful Oceanside, CA. With 15 years of experience in the wild worlds of advertising, marketing, journalism, poetry and performance, Barmmer and Word Is Born are truly unique animals. Barmmer has had his poetry published in The San Diego Poetry Annual, The Poetry of Yoga anthology, LA Yoga Magazine and more. Barmmer has also self-published two poetry albums, "Love Is Yoga" and "The Dirty Dozen: 13 Passion Poems on Love, Lust & Longing", and is the self-proclaimed Poet Laureate of Facebook. Barmmer also performs Random Acts of Poetry daily and hosts WORD on the third Monday of every month at E Street Cafe in Encinitas, CA. Learn more about Barmmer and Word Is Born by visiting and, and purchase his poetry on iTunes.
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