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5 (Surprising) Tips for Awesome, Feminist Sex

    This is a post by the GetLusty Chief Lust Officer, Erica Grigg.

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    If you know me, you'll know my husband and I are big feminists. We think feminist sex is important. Why? For the sake of husbands, wives and couples everywhere.

    What is feminism, anyway?

    Definition: According to Wikipedia: Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist is a supporter of equal rights for women.

    What is feminist sex?

    Just the idea of it is pretty awesome. There are numerous aspects to feminist sex that I really stand behind.
    • Any kind of sex that focuses on the emotional enjoyment of and total body experiences. 
    • Rather than a male-dominated experience, you'll see more negotiation and equality. 
    • You'll also see discussions of what women and their partners enjoy. 
    • Rather than seeing a male ejaculation-centric sexual experience, you'll see a couples-centric sexual experience; both giving and receiving pleasurable, amazing sexual experiences! 
    My top 5 recommendations for having awesome, feminist sex:

    #1 Eat healthy & exercise

    The best way to feel good about yourself is to stay healthy. Staying healthy can be difficult, but the crux of staying in your prime is eating well and exercising vigorously at least 30 minutes daily. I'm not saying you're fat or ugly. I'm just saying that you should feel awesome. Feeling awesome is mostly about having good habits, including diet & exercise.

    Thanks to the pic from Flickr. It says, "There is nothing as sexy as a feminist man."

    #2 Get career happy 

    You feel like you can't do the career you've always wanted. Why? You're smart enough. You have the passion to be successful. Your career could be holding back your sex life. Even if you're going to school to change your career, you're on the way to changing your career life for the better. This will make you feel all the sexier. You might not be in the space to start your new career (ie. with children). That doesn't mean you can't start to work towards your career goals and make the most of your situation.

    #3 Get naked

    There's no reason you should ever feel ashamed about your body. Your body is perfect in its natural state. No change.

    Being comfortable with your own body, and letting your partner appreciate and love you the way you are equalizes both your needs for pleasure and love. Want to love yourself better? Here are our 4 recommendations for loving yourself better (including being naked). Thanks to Madison Mag for the pic.

    #4 Avoid beauty magazines

    "They will only make you feel ugly." There's a reason why Baz Luhrmann said this in his famous 1990's, "Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen" song. Why avoid beauty mags? A variety of reasons, but mostly because they make you feel like you're not beautiful enough and you must by X to be better. Not true! You're gorgeous & the things you should buy are sex toys because they are pleasurable!

    #5 Learn about yourself (Masturbate)

    You can't direct your man to please you unless you know about having awesome sex with and for yourself. Masturbate! Enjoy your body and all that comes from it. You deserve it.

    This is post by Erica Grigg, our Founder and Chief Lust Officer. She's a writer, marketer, social entrepreneur and sex geek. She wants to end boring sex. 

    If you don't see Erica riding around downtown, Chicago in her beach cruiser or at a diner with her adoring husband, you see her chatting up the tech community about the importance of sex and love in marriage. Follow Erica on Twitter @ericagrigg or subscribe via FacebookGoogle+ and LinkedIn.

    Want to connect about writing, or business partnership with a woman-run business that cares? E-mail me directly at
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