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5 Ways to Show Him You Love Him

    Giving is the best way to receiving. Sometimes we forget to thank our significant others' and tell them we appreciate them. Want him to love you more? The best way, give a little! Our Lora Swarts reports.

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    GetLusty is all about enhancing our relationships. Here are five simple ways to show, rather than tell, your man that you love him.

    "I love you" are three little words that your man will never get tired of hearing. But if you really want your guy to feel special then you need to show him. The best way to make a man feel loved is through simple acts of everyday kindness. By giving him these little daily gifts he will not only feel more loved, but your marriage will benefit in return. You will have more trust in your relationship and feel more intimate and connected to one another.

    1. Listen to him

    Women love to talk. Our men are always there for us when we need to vent about work or gab about the newest pose we conquered in yoga class.

    However our men need to get things off their chest too.
    "For men, it's emotionally meaningful just to have a conversation," says New York clinical psychologist Alon Gratch, Ph.D., author of If Men Could Talk: Translating the Secret Language of Men.

    When your man yearns for your undivided attention, give it to him. Try not to interrupt him and don't multi-task while he is talking to you. Try going for a walk together after dinner. This allows time for you both to get in some exercise and connect emotionally.

    2. Give him guy time (or time apart)

    Whether he is in a fantasy football team or in a bowling league, we need to give our men their "guy time." Not only will giving him space to pursue his passions show him you love him, but you will get in some personal time for yourself too! Space is healthy, natural and normal.

    3. Touch him

    It's not always about sex with men. Men want and need to be touched just as much as women do. Give him a hug when he gets home from work, rub his back when you are in bed together or gently kiss his neck. Touch brings us closer together and increases our oxytocin levels which can lower stress!

    4. Anticipate his needs

    Anticipate his needs before he has to ask you to do something. Pour him a cup of coffee in the morning while he is getting ready for work or better yet make him breakfast! Doing the little things for our guys shows them that we are thinking about them.

    "It's about tuning in to his needs, making the discovery of them a priority," says Pat Love, Ed.D., author of The Truth About Love. Of course anticipating his needs applies to the bedroom too. Pursuing him makes him feel manly, attractive and wanted. And when he feels that attractive there's no telling what he will do to you between the sheets!

    5. Support him

    Whether he wants to lose some weight, look for a new job or start a new hobby, men need our support. Don't criticize him about his decisions. You want him to feel like he can come to you with anything. Supporting him through the good times or bad times brings you two closer together.

    When it comes to love both men and women appreciate thoughtful actions. It's nice to know that our partner thinks about us and cares about us. Try and make the effort to show your guy how much you love him because actions really do speak louder than words.

    Lora is the GetLusty Editorial Intern and resident health nut. When she is not working, you can find her teaching yoga, spending too much money on soy lattes or hanging out with her wonderful boyfriend in their north side apartment. You can find her on Twitter @honeynutlo or blogging over at her own personal blog. Have any questions? Contact her at
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